
What our students and parents say...
“Ruby got a 5 in her GCSE maths. We are delighted. She went from a 2 to a 5 thanks to your help!”
Lilli M. Warwick
“I just wanted to let you know that Cate achieved a grade 5 GCSE maths which is the highest possible she could have got with the papers she did!! We’re so pleased as she has secured her place at 6th form and can pursue her goal to get to university. Thank you for all your support, the tutor had a great rapport with Cate, despite difficulties of online tutoring, and built her confidence to get this great result.”
Sara G. Leamington Spa
I got an A in my maths a level!!!! I’m so happy and definitely wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help, so thank you so so much! That means I got into Leeds which was my first choice and couldn’t be more relieved.
Emily S Warwick
Hayley was amazing at explaining things and brought my confidence on leaps and bounds. I went from getting Es in mocks to an A in my final exam.
Emily B Southam
“Josh passed his Maths GCSE!!!!!! Josh said HB Tuition was a big help to get there. We were so surprised this morning as Josh wasn’t confident about it. Thank you, amazing!!!!”
Sandra S. Warwick
Tilly has really flourished with the confidence you have given her. She got star of the week again this week for determination and perseverance with Maths work.
Hannah S Napton on the Hill
“I just wanted to let you know I got an A in maths. Thank you so much for all your help, I couldn't have done it without you.”
Lizzie P. Warwick
We wanted to let you know that Lara got an 8 in Maths! All thanks to her tutoring.
Sian T. Kenilworth
"Tom got an 8! We're thrilled, and extremely grateful for the help! Tom is looking forward to his lesson on Sunday, and to continuing working with you through A Levels - thank you so much!"
Helen B. Warwick
Ben really enjoyed his lessons thank you - a huge relief all round as he wasn’t sure about online tutoring!
Emma B Leamington

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